As we paddle off into the sunset of another year. I hope everyone had a very eventful and happy and healthy 2009.
Mine has been eventful. I gained a few friends. Good additions. Real people who love to ride motorcycles.
Lost a few friends due to crappy behavior. I don't loose friends often, but sometimes you just have to cut the ties.
I lost my girlfriend Judy after a long battle with cancer.. My friend Walter is doing great after battling accute mylogenic leukemia.
My girlfriend Nancy made it to Christmas and seems determined to see 2010. We have no idea how she is doing it. She is back home and has hospice and in home nursing care. The toll and expense is very high for her Wusband Danny. He is having a really tough time coping since this has all fallen on his shoulders. Her behavior and mood swings are totally out there and her body is breaking down.
I have a new boyfriend. He's nice and we are taking things nice and slow and getting to know each other. He is a pilot and comes and goes. My kind of boyfriend for sure. Not under my feet. He also rides, and doesn't mind my independence. Which is a plus. 2010 should be interesting. He's interesting, fun to be around and actually says what he means. A guy who is not afraid to talk and ask questions. A novelty for sure. Oh and he is smart. I like smart guys. He is in Iowa with his kids thru the New Year. He was supposed to be here with the kids but couldn't get in due to flight cancelations and over bookings. Oh well. He will be back on Saturday. Not making it in with the kids opened up a few days over the weekend. Now he doesn't have to try and get them back to Iowa. It seems everyone wants to be in Florida over the holidays. I can't imagine why. ;-}
My kids are all doing great. They seem happy and in good places in their personal lives.
I am looking for a job come January. I am not sure doing what. But I am giving up dealing cards. I will put my applications back out. Hit a week of school to keep it up. But not really pursuing that venue.
My wusband is coming around after his tour in Iraq. The after affects are disappearing and he spent 5 days down here over Christmas. Nice and peaceful. Hopefully the friendship we are slowly building will last. That would be nice.
New Years Eve I will be with my friends up on the beach. My daughter and her boyfriend are staying in also. I never ever drink and party on New Years Eve and I usually am sound asleep by midnight. Why break my tradition now. I will more than likely go watch the sun come up on New Years day by myself.