I had a nice peaceful few days in Captiva.
The west coast of FL is so different than where I live. Nice.
The pictures are the gulf coast, The Mucky Duck, (yummy) and The Seamen's Chapel. That is where my daughter wants to get married and always has. Very cute and small. It is not open during the summer months. No air conditioning.
But back to the real world I came. Yesterday my Daughter in law called me while I was on the beach chilling peacefully. She wants me to drop everything and watch her dog AGAIN. She has to work tonight and doesn't want Tonka home alone. So I said ok to tonight even though I have plans. Then she says she wants me to keep Tonka for a week or more while she goes to Tampa to see her friend. I said NO THANK YOU> I am already watching someone elses small dog for 10 days and I won't watch hers also. I get a not so nice text from my son in Montenegro saying Thanks a lot for being mean to his wife. I chewed him a new ass. He is almost 32. Come on. he said I told her I didn't like her dog, blah blah blah.
Fact is the dog is a pain in the ass. I think I should have the right to say NO THANK YOU> I suggested a kennel. He wasn't happy. I suggested maybe her family could watch him since they have huge back yards. Nope. They only call when they want something. (sounds like it runs in the family) I only hear from her when she wants something. The girl is a serious drama queen. I asked my 27 yr old what he thinks and he said he had no desire for Tonka to be here again for any length of time.
Fact is I don't live in my house alone. Everyone should have a say since we all end up watching and walking the monster. We all said NO THANK YOU>
I want to go back to Captiva and hide out again.