This week a friend gave me a Yorki that is almost a year old. What a sweet girl. Her name is Cocoa. A few months ago he asked if I could take the dog or find it a good home. I said yes. Well he called this week wanting to know if I was still willing to take her. I said tomorrow so the dog didn't have to go thru his ex wifes move. I think moves are really tough on animals.
So Cocoa is at my house until Monday when her new family will pick her up. They came over and met her and fell in love with her. Leo is a pharmacist and works with my daughter and they were talking about Yorkis and how they wanted one. I do believe Cocoa will be very spoiled rotten. I am really glad my daughter found her a good home. Not that mine is not a great home for pampered pets. But I really don't want or need 3 dogs. It's just too much work. Now my whole neighborhood has fallen in love with this little girl.
The second picture is of my Shiloh. She is not amused by the addition into the house. She has been down right nasty to her. She has gotten very nippy lately and bit the little 1 year old (neighbor) this afternoon. Not bad, just nipped her finger when Brianna stuck her hand in her face. As 1 year olds are prone to do. I feel bad for Shiloh. She's getting lots of smacks in her snout and lots of time out into the crate.
On the other part of my life that is not ruled by animals. I met a new guy who is really nice. We went out to lunch last week then he was out of town until yesterday. He landed an hour before he picked me up for a hockey game. We had fun. He's a forensic accountant and rides a Harley. He's working tomorrow day. It is tax time after all. Then we are going out to another hockey game (he's a huge fan and has season tickets for Florida Panthers and Denver Avalanche) He also has an office in Denver. Then we are going to a friend of his grand opening of a restaurant in Boca Raton. Ritzy. He said no jeans with holes in them for tomorrow. We are both big fans of casual clothes for the bikes we ride. I clean up nice and can behave myself. So I will show him that side of me tomorrow.
Sunday we are going riding all day. He never works Sundays if he is here. Then we have obligations to stop in and take care of. Like my neighbors 3 year olds birthday party. He also has clients coming in from Canada that we are taking out to dinner. But never fear. The weather tomorrow thru Wednesday is supposed to be low 80's and sunny. I do believe I will be on the beach tomorrow for sure.
On the other side of my compartmentalized life. My "wusband " flies out and goes on active duty for 4 months. He will be in Ft. Bragg for 2 weeks then off to Iraq for 3 months, back to Ft. Bragg for another 2 weeks then home. So I guess that makes me an Officers wife again. This time I don't have to play the game. Thank God.
I hope everyone has an awesome weekend.