Friday, October 17, 2008



NO RAIN FINALLY!!! I do believe our draught is finally over.

I spent the day at the gym and the beach. The water was murky for us.
But 85, nice breeze and quiet. My kind of beach day. My sweetie joined me for a few hours.
Peaceful. We try and turn our phones off. Down time.

Tomorrow I will go for a ride early. It is cool in the mornings now so I have broken out my full face helmet.
I love this time of year. I cocoon my head with my earphones in and enjoy the ride with my face protected.
I even have a dark visor on with sun glasses. Nice. And my face doesn't get dirty. Now that's really nice.

This week I missed school twice. Monday for the dentist. Thursday for my hair appointment. By the time I finished with my hair appointment it was 2 pm. Paula really takes her time. And her next appointment had cancelled.

Lunch on the beach in Fort Lauderdale then home.

Tonight is a quiet night at home doing laundry and reading. Just me and the dogs.

Sunday will be spent back on the beach. I really like getting vitamin D the old fashion way.

Have a fun weekend.


Cheryl said...

I always forget to take my Vitamin D. You're lucky you can get it the natural way. Enjoy your rides and the beach. Sweet life you have, most of the time. :))

heiresschild said...

i have 3 wks left for my online class; then i think i'll take about a 2-wk break before i begin my next class. alll work and no play makes me a dull girl. lol!

happy sunning!

beachgirl said...

I wish it was sunny out. Nothing but rain, rain, rain.....