Saturday, April 04, 2009

My life the last few days:

I have an abscessed tooth. OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am on antibiotics and hoping for some relief soon. The Dentist said take advil or tylenol in large quantities. He wouldn't give me drugs. I WANT DRUGS. This really hurts like a mother. Having babies didn't hurt like this.
I called him today to see if he could call it in for me. Nope. Switch to advil.
Man I am so over this.

Has anyone else had one of these mothers? And I can't get the root canal done until my insurance kicks in next month. I am not looking forward to any of this. I just want the pain to take a hike.

Now I did go to a hockey game with my boys last night. They had a blast acting like teenagers. I just didn't feel good. We had great seats that were free for filling out a survery. You had to know someone to get these. My accountant friend who is too busy to take me out set it up for us.

And I went to the beach today. Pretty day. I figured if I didn't feel good the least I could do was be in my favorite environment. Naked with my feet in the sand. It was too pretty to stay inside in pain. The water was even gorgeous.

I hope everyone is having a better weekend than I am. Oh well. I am generally very blessed.


KathyA said...

See if you can get a prescription for 800 mgs of Motrin. If not -- just take 800 mgs of Motrin but make sure you take it with food and you drink enough water. These can REALLY hurt. (I sense you know this already!)

none said...

gargling and rinsing with very strong salt water helps some.

My daughter had one in January it was a mess.