Sunday, November 22, 2009


That about sums up my weekend. I did a bike run to Naples with 110 bikes.
Way too much beer and Jaegermeister for the riders in Naples.
Fun times and people are crazy. Our hotel was included and had a pool by the tiki bar with live music and Kareoke. Use your imagination. Beer and crazy bikers.
Great weather and ride to and from. Police escorted all the way. Always fun when you close off roads and run red lights with cops lights going crazy.

My ex boyfriends girlfriend got my phone # off his phone that he was told to loose months ago. She started texting me and calling me, email . Crazy girl. over 50 texts in less than 24 hours, 4 voicemails, 10 emails. I changed my cell phone number and blocked her emails. I even had a friend who is a Sheriff ask her to stop, talked to her and sent her boyfriend a text asking him to get her to stop. My friend the Sheriff made sure I changed the number this afternoon once we got home from the bike rally. ( Sue keeps her bike here) and the tone of the text and emails were getting crazy. Sue got concerned.

The pictures are of Sue and I just before we left on the run yesterday, my bike of course and some other riders.

What fun did you have?

1 comment:

KathyA said...

Certainly not as much as you!!! That crazy stuff really is frightening, isn't it? I hope she stays the hell away from you!