How was your Christmas?
Christmas day has come and gone for another year.
I must say I had a very nice day. The kids all got along.
Everyone had a very nice, non drama and peaceful day.
I started out the day with a mild work out at the gym.
My daughter followed me shortly to the gym and de-stressed.
The gym was busy with the regulars. If the gym is my only addiction,
then it's all good.
My riding group called to see if I wanted to go out at night and ride
around the mansions looking at lights. I almost went, but we were having such
a nice time at home, I passed.
This morning I dropped my daughter off at the airport at 6:30 am. Off she goes
to New Jersey.
I am off to the gym again this morning for a workout with my trainer. Then time
to learn about a new career.. Today was my goal day for starting my research. I figured
a nice peaceful week for studying would do. A new direction to start the new year.
So what are you doing this week?