Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas everyone!!
Just a picture of my family Christmas tree.

What does your tree look like?


heiresschild said...

beautiful Christmas tree Carol! i didn't put one up, but my home is decorated for Christmas with lots of other decorations.

beachgirl said...

Hi Sylvia,
If you look to the left of the tree on the chair, the dogs are napping. Just a little hidden something.

Time for the final show.

Leslie: said...

Hi Carol, what a beautiful tree! And I did spy the dogs nappying by the tree. Hope it's a good one!

heiresschild said...
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Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

First, a thank you for stopping by to visit and for the comment. No...the stun gun was not anything I would buy or was merely a forwarded email I received that I thought was interesting & funny.

My Christmas tree is about one fifth the size of yours and as lit up with beautiful colored lights. I love colored lights for Christmas vs white lights only. It seems just a little more Christmas-y to me.

Merry Christmas!